

タマヲさんは前にWatanabe HAIR DRESSINGで働いておられました。覚えてる方も多いのでは?!?!?

team Watanabe HAIR DRESSING 今年で15年、いろんな方に働いていただきました。今ここで働いているスタッフも、他の場所でがんばっている方々もみんな思いは一つだと信じています。がんばっちゃいましょう!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's been crazy hot!!hope you all are OK.
by the way do you remember this long hair lady next to AKI??
she is Tamao san used work with us.I'm sure some of you remember her.
she is in Hokkaido with Hen san(in the picture )now.Hokkaido is much cooler than Tokyo!! envy you two!!

our salon has been here for 15 years now.it is a long time.lots of people have worked here and left here.but we still believe we're working as a team even if we don't work in the same place!thank you!!!