just to let you know, while Watanabe is still in operation, we are doing our best to conserve power due to the earthquake.
This means we are not using lights when they are not needed and we have cut heating. and A/C.
Due to the ever-changing status of Japan,
We may need to change our business hours and close earlier.please call to confirm your appointment with your stylist.
and we are taking monetary donations for the quake victims in Northern Japan.
we thank you for your support.
東日本大震災に伴う電力不足への配慮および電力会社による計画停電の影響の為、Watanabe HAIR DRESSING では節電を実施しております。照明、空調等、最小限の使用に留めております。
また、Watanabe HAIR DRESSSINGは義援金による支援を実施いたします。